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Kingdom of Childhood

Growing Up at Sudbury Valley School

Edited by Mimsy Sadofsky and Daniel Greenberg
from Interviews by Hanna Greenberg
340 pages

What do students say about life at Sudbury Valley? This book is a remarkable series of vivid personal recollections of school, in the words of former students. Drawn from comprehensive, reflective interviews, each account presents a picture of school days from the unique perspective of a student, telling what they did, and how they felt about their Sudbury Valley School experience. “I always thought I was grown up. At every age I felt, not grown up, but a whole person; not a little kid or a big kid, just ‘me.’ Like, ‘Of course I’m not six. I’m just “me,” a person with a vote.’ I wasn’t a less powerful person than this fifteen year old, or adult, and I thought that was normal. So I think I always felt grown up, especially at the School Meeting. Sometimes I would attend, campaign for what I believed in. There was a lot of stuff I would just phase out on. Sometimes I wouldn’t attend at all for long periods of time. But it wasn’t because I was disaffected. I was busy, and there wasn’t anything that I felt that I should campaign for or needed to put in words.”