The Sudbury Valley Bookstore is in transition to a new format. E-commerce capability is not available during this period. You may purchase any of our items by calling the School: 1-508-877-3030 9:00-5:00 U.S. Eastern time.

The Bookstore does not charge shipping on orders mailed within the U.S.

Many of our products are also available through in print, E-book, and Audiobook.

The Sudbury Valley School Journal

A Sudbury Valley School periodical


Annual subscription

Two issues yearly in PDF format

The Journal publishes essays relating to the development of the concepts underlying the Sudbury model, as well as articles and vignettes about the life of the School. Many of the essays have formed the basis for the books that have been published by the Sudbury Valley School Press. Reading the Journal is like bathing in the light of knowledge and enlightenment that surrounds SVS’s campus 365 days a year. Subscribe to the Journal to be riding the wave as it comes hurtling in.