The Sudbury Valley Bookstore is in transition to a new format. E-commerce capability is not available during this period. You may purchase any of our items by calling the School: 1-508-877-3030 9:00-5:00 U.S. Eastern time.

The Bookstore does not charge shipping on orders mailed within the U.S.

Many of our products are also available through in print, E-book, and Audiobook.

The Lives of Alumni

A Fortieth Anniversary Celebration


Audio CD

“I was just a kid from East Boston who was not sure that this was going to be the right fit for me but I think in my time here I decided that I was going to make it the right fit for me. Success can be a choice and you certainly can do that here. You can go in any path that you like. You just have to decide what that is going to be in your own mind, and that can change, but you can do that here. And you can do it on a very high level, and there is going to be a future for you for whatever you do.

“We didn’t have a band or orchestra here at Sudbury Valley but we did have a staff member or two who were musicians and developed and fostered my education here as a musician. I played small ensembles with them, and they really helped me a lot in my early days of deciding to become a musician, and in helping me to find my own way to do that. So I spent a lot of time here pursuing that dream. I’ve been lucky enough to be in the music profession as a performing musician now for some twenty-seven years, making my living – and it’s not an easy profession to be in.”