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Family Cooking

Spiral Bound
by Margaret Parra; illustrated by Raphael M. Bouganim
98 pages

One of the most beloved of the school’s founders spent a lot of time in the kitchen cooking wonderful, easy to follow recipes. She collected them in a book, and they have been enjoyed by families at Sudbury Valley since then.

“I don’t remember when I learned to cook. It was so many years ago it seems I always knew how.

“Our family was large (7 girls and 1 boy). I am the third from the youngest. Our father died when I was 7, and our mother worked hard and long hours to support us, but she always had time for her kids. She never was too tired to take the time to teach us whatever it was we wanted to know. With a lot of patience, she taught me the real basics of cooking.

“Many of these recipes stem from what I learned from Mama. She was a 'Great Lady’ and dearly loved.”