Life After the Sudbury Valley School Experience
This is a comprehensive study of the personal and professional histories of 188 former students. Included is a great deal of anecdotal information about their lives after they left the school, along with extensive comments on how they feel the school influenced them. Also included are the results of three earlier studies.
“There is no way for this or any similar study to provide a definitive answer to the questions of how a Sudbury Valley education influences the future course of a student’s life. But it is possible to answer the more limited question: does a person’s attendance at Sudbury Valley, whether for a short or long time, have an adverse effect on the options available to that person? The data presented in the study leaves no doubt that the answer is ‘No’; former students enjoy the full range of life choices available to every other group of young people going out into the world. And they enjoy a childhood of freedom, respect, and trust.”